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Tenor, Tonnage and Grade of an ore
Ore is a naturally occurring material from where the minerals can be
extracted economically. And economic minerals are those minerals which can be
used for national economy.
And these
are the following factors that the extraction of minerals from the ore is
related with:
Tenor of an ore is defined as
the lowest permissible metallic deposit in any particular ore. Or generally it
is the total content of minerals deposited in an ore. The amount of minerals
deposited in any ore may depend upon local condition, nature of ore and others.
2) Tonnage:
Tonnage of an ore is defined
as the total amount of minerals than can be extracted from any particular ore.
Tonnage of an ore depends directly upon the tenor of an ore because more the
mineral deposit more the volume that can be extracted. So, tonnage can be
calculated on the basis of volume of the ore deposit.
3) Grade:
Grade of a mineral in any particular
ore can be determined by the proportion of metal in the ore. The value of any
precious/economic minerals is determined by its total estimated weight and the
grade of the ore. Hence grade of an ore is calculated as gram per unit tonne i.e
g/t. On the basis of the grade, ore are classified as:
High grade
ore: where the metallic content is relatively high.
Low grade
ore: where the concentration of metal is relatively low.