Generally, programming is the process of developing/ building certain program that is executed by the computer to perform certain task.

Programming is the basic in professions like Information Technology and Computer Engineering.

There are many languages developed till now for programming.

Python, Java, C++, etc. are some of the most used programming languages in the world.

Different websites, applications and software are the result of the programming.

Programming is the back bone of today’s technologies.

Without programming we would have none of the most popular technologies that we have come to see in this century.

We use smart phone, we use computer, we use internet to browse everything we can. This is only possible due to programming.

For programming, first we need to code.

Code is the computer language or to input a computer language used for programming to develop website, apps and software.

Programming is the most important study in the technology development but is it also important in sectors like geo science and geology.

 Geologist uses different software according to their field of study for interpreting and analyzing the data collected by surveying and sampling.

But one question always arises, do they need programming?

The answer of this question is always yes.

The modernization in technology is leading the global market, and we also need to be modern to exist in this technology.

Programming may not be much important for geologist as you can be a geologist without writing a single code.

But if you know the programming it would definitely be the plus point for you as it would rather widen you field in your career.

Suppose you know information software like GIS. But you also need to know that the software like these also needs programming mostly python to accomplish the certain task.

This suggests that programming is directly related in the field of geology.

Geologists do not need to develop software, apps, website but they need to program certain task to accomplish their project.

If you are a geologist and you would like to take information system like GIS as a career then no doubt, you must need to know programming as it has wide range of applications.

This certainly concludes that, programming will always be the plus point for everyone if they like geology as a career.

if you want to know about the geology software, click on the link below:





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