software for geologists

Having great knowledge in the field of geology is important for geologists. But to be a good geologist you should be able to research, collect the data, interpret the data using required geological software.

Geological software are basically designed to interpret, and analyze the geological data of any particular area.

No matter what you are going to study as a major in geology.

It may be general geology, geophysics, mining geology, exploration geology, structural geology, hydro geology or others but you need to know about those software which are used in these particular majors.

So these are the mostly used geological software:


1)    GIS:

     Geographic Information System (GIS) is generally an information system that helps to capture, analyze and present geographic information on a map.

 It is one of the mostly used software by geologists.

It is a computerized system which helps in many areas like data visualizing, modeling and so on. 


2)     AutoCAD geology:

It is also called the three dimensional modeling of geological data.

It is related to the structural geology.

 This software helps in modeling, visualizing and interpreting the subsurface geology along with geological structures.


3)    Data mines studio:

 This software is mostly used in exploration geology.

It is used in geological modeling and analysis.

This software helps to produce geological reserve models.

It is used to represent geological structures, mineralization and most importantly reserve evaluation.


4)    SMT kingdom:

      Kingdom software of Seismic – Micro Technology   (SMT) is one of the most used software in mining geology.

      It is used to locate oil and petroleum sources.


5)    Schlumberger software:

It is the multi-purpose software mostly used in geophysics.

It is used in seismic attribute computation,

-Seismic calibration,

-Quantitative interpretation,

-Seismic processing,

-Depth imaging.


These are the basic and the most used software in geology based on the major of study.

These software can be very helpful for the geologist for reliability and efficiency.


