James Hutton (1726-1797) is considered to be the father of geology.

He was a Scottish naturalist and he is known for his remarkable work in the geology.

He formulated his clear view regarding the deposition of sediments up to the different tectonic settings involved on it like fault, fold and others like erosion, deposition, etc.

He recognized the geological process of the rock formation and also defined depositional terms like unconformities.

A part from this he firstly stated one of the basic and the most important principle.

It is called as the “Principle of Uniformitarianism”.

This principle states that: “the same physical process and the laws that operate in the today’s world, operated throughout the geological time.

The principle of uniformitarianism suggests that “present is key to the past”.

But this statement does not hold in many examples like movement of glaciers then and now, volcanic eruption then and now and others too.

So this statement was further corrected as:

“The same physical process and laws governing that process today, operated throughout the geological time although not necessarily in the same intensity as now”.

It supports examples like

Climate change

Movement of glacier

Rate of volcanism and so on.
