image: geological field work, Malekhu, Nepal    

Geology fieldwork is often considered as the first step in learning geology.

Fieldwork is the basis to know everything practically.

Geology is defined as the earth science and it suggests to know about the earth.

We can only know something when we research and investigate it.

So in geology, fieldwork is taken as the backbone of the geology career of future geologist.

Fieldwork normally promises many things for the undergraduates during their time of the field visit.

Students get to know the basic geology like identification of rocks, reading geological maps, handling different instruments like geological compass and so on.

The basic geology can only be understood in the field work practically.

A part of this, geological fieldwork also plays an vital role in the career of students.

After the graduation student moves to their respective majors but the basic knowledge of the fieldwork always remains important no matter what they will study further.

To be a geologist, you need to research, investigate, model and analyze in different field of study.

But the basic purpose of this is already boosted by fieldwork knowledge.

                              image: fieldwork geology, Malekhu, Nepal

If you have got plan to work as a geologist after completing your graduation before studying further, then the proper knowledge of the field work plays very crucial that time.

You can get a job as an assistant geologist with the main purpose in collecting, surveying and others.

These sampling and surveying can only be possible with the fieldwork knowledge.

We study different geological structures like faults, folds, joints, unconformities and so on, but this can only be observed in the field.

It is often called that particle knowledge is important and best known knowledge and it holds the same in geology fieldwork too.

So geological fieldwork is very important to define the career of a successful geologist.
